Privilege, Power, and Difference [Paperback] Author: Allan G. Johnson | Language: English | ISBN:
0072874899 | Format: PDF, EPUB
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This brief book is a groundbreaking tool for students and non-students alike to examine systems of privilege and difference in our society. Written in an accessible, conversational style, Johnson links theory with engaging examples in ways that enable readers to see the underlying nature and consequences of privilege and their connection to it. This extraordinarily successful book has been used across the country, both inside and outside the classroom, to shed light on issues of power and privilege.
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- Paperback: 184 pages
- Publisher: McGraw-Hill; 2nd edition (February 11, 2005)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0072874899
- ISBN-13: 978-0072874891
- Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 6.1 x 0.5 inches
- Shipping Weight: 11.2 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
This is currently the book chosen by my professor ( who is white) for my Sociology class. I could not put this book down. I was surprised that a white person (Allan Johnson, the author)could be so precise, observate, and truthful about the racism in the American society. The white classmates reacted, and currently react, just as the author predicted....hostile and angry. He says that the "privileged" white people don't want to talk or do anything about racism, because most are oblivious to racism and most don't want to give up power, privilege, or control to those of color...let alone, share any. He also states that racism is the problem of white people. I agree and always have known this to be true. Racism is designed to dehumanize, control, kill, and oppress those of color, especially Africans, for the delusional status quo of superiority and the fear of their minority race ( yes, I said it, there are more people of color world-wide ) becoming extinct. The majority of the white students refuse to read the book...there is much truth in the book. Yet, their ignorance and hostility will not allow them to realize that their anger and hostility is those of color, of course. They are part of the "problem", as Allan Johnson states. He also states that the first thing that white people need to do is to realize that racism IS their problem. He also says that, racism will continue to be a problem if white people do not own the problem. He speaks of racism like only those of color have experienced, and share with each other. He is on point. He does speak on discrimination of anyone who is "different" , also the control and dominance placed on women and those who don't fit into the capitalistic, hetro-sexual, white male standards of this 'United' States.
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