No Excuses!: The Power of Self-Discipline [Kindle Edition] Author: Brian Tracy | Language: English | ISBN:
B003P9XCOO | Format: PDF, EPUB
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You don’t need to have been born under a lucky star, or with incredible wealth, or with terrific contacts and connections, or even special skills...but what you do need to succeed in any of your life goals is self-discipline. Unfortunately, most people give in to the two worst enemies of success: they take the path of least resistance (in other words, they’re lazy) and/or they want immediate gratification: they don’t consider the long-term consequences of the actions they take today.
No Excuses! shows you how you can achieve success in all three major areas of your life:
1. Your personal goals.
2. Your business and money goals.
3. Your overall happiness.
Each of the 21 chapters in this book shows you how to be more disciplined in one aspect of your life, with end-of-chapter exercises to help you apply the “no excuses” approach to your own life. With these guidelines, you can learn how to be more successful in everything you do—instead of wistfully envying others who you think are just “luckier” than you. A little self-discipline goes a long stop making excuses and read this book!
Books with free ebook downloads available Download No Excuses!: The Power of Self-Discipline
- File Size: 411 KB
- Print Length: 309 pages
- Page Numbers Source ISBN: 1593155824
- Publisher: Vanguard Press (May 25, 2010)
- Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
- Language: English
- Text-to-Speech: Enabled
- Lending: Not Enabled
- Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #22,706 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
- #40
in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Business Life > Personal Success - #50
in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Management & Leadership > Motivational - #50
in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Business Life > Motivation & Self-Improvement
- #40
in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Business Life > Personal Success - #50
in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Management & Leadership > Motivational - #50
in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Business Life > Motivation & Self-Improvement
What's the secret of success?
Self-discipline, of course. At least that's what self-help guru Brian Tracy claims in "No Excuses! 21 Ways to Achieve Lasting Happiness and Success." Tracy's latest book describes how you can use self-discipline to become a successful, "superior" person in 21 areas of your life.
Yes, Tracy does occasionally use the rather Nietzschian language of "superior people" vs. "weak and irresolute people." But his advice throughout "No Excuses" is so sound, and the book is so readable, that Tracy may just convert you into a self-disciplinarian by the last page. He certainly had me interested long before that.
What's Inside
Tracy quotes Elbert Hubbard to define self-discipline as "the ability to do what you should do, when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not." He tells you how to employ self-discipline in 21 well-organized, easy to follow chapters. These chapters are clustered into groups of seven, which in turn make up the three parts of the book.
Part I covers self-discipline and personal success. This part covers things like goals, courage, and persistence, and how self-discipline helps you master them. Part II tells you how to use self-discipline in business, sales, and finances. Part III talks about quality-of-life issues like personal health, fitness, and marriage, and how you can use--you guessed it--self-discipline to achieve success in those areas.
Each chapter features a number of end-of-chapter exercises to get you moving in the right direction. Unlike many other books I've read, these exercises are good. Tracy truly helps you figure out where you are in each area of your life, and what you need to do to find success.
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